Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What is ERP? What does ERP software or an ERP system do?
ERP stands for Enterprise Resource Planning. ERP software, or an ERP system helps businesses manage, automate, and integrate critical day-to-day processes, such as tracking sales orders, keeping inventory records, and managing
financial data.
What is ERP consultation?
ERP consultation provides the insight necessary to begin building a more efficient system of operations. It is the process by which an ERP consulting company, like Caldwell Group, analyzes a business’ current system of operations and determines what is needed to improve efficiency and aid future growth.
What is ERP implementation?
ERP implementation is the process by which an ERP vendor, like Caldwell Group, configures an ERP system to a business’ needs. Generally, it involves revising inefficient processes, consolidating current data, designing the system, and
training end users.
What is ERP deployment?
ERP deployment refers to the various ways a business can host the hardware for their ERP system. Some common ways to deploy include utilizing an on-premise (physical) system, a cloud (virtualized) system, or a combination of both on-premise and cloud components, which is often referred to as a hybrid system.
What is ERP engagement?
ERP engagement refers to the various ways a business can access their ERP system. Some common ways to engage include utilizing a desktop interface, a web-based interface, or a mobile app.